The Ballan Bowling Club Inc.
On Saturday the 9th day of December 1939, the Ballan Bowling Club’s green was officially opened by the Honourable Mr E.I. Hogan MLA.
Other guests included: Sir William Angliss MLC., Shire President, Cr. E. Morgan, Cr. Anson (from Daylesford) & Mr Grant Morgan (from Bacchus Marsh).
The event was the culmination of the efforts of a group of men who saw the need and the value of having a Bowling Club in Ballan.
Following a number of public meetings and the assistance of the Shire Council the necessary financial support was obtained and the site chosen, the Ballan Bowling Club was formed.
The first Annual Meeting was on held on October 7, 1937.
The following Officers were elected:
President: Mr T.W.Fagg (1937-1951)
Vice Presidents: C.F.Myers, A. Mcleod Hamilton, C.Sugg.
Secretary/Treasurer: F.J. Graham
Committee: E.Coker, T.D.Quigley, LP.Mohr, H.R.Chambers
Greens Committee: E.Coker, T.D.Quigley, A, A. Mclean
In 1949 Ballan was allowed to enter the Ballarat Regional Bowls Association pennant competition and the club has continued to field teams since that time.
Ladies were admitted to the club in 1950 and have been an integral part of the Club since. In 2005-2006 the ladies division was reformed within the club following an absence of 6 years.
Success in Pennant competition and other events over the years adds lustre to the history of the club.
Premierships were won by the Men’s Division in: 1956/57, 1965/66, 1974/75, 1981/82. 1996/97, 1999/00, 2001/02, & 2010/11.
Premierships won by the ladies division were won in: 1980/81, 1983/84, 1986/87, 1995/96, 1997/98, 1992/93, 1993/94, 1995/96 & 2010/11
The 2010/2011 season was the last year of the Ladies competition as it was known. Pennant is now a mixed competition played on Mondays and Saturdays.
In 2011, the Ballarat District Bowls Association and the Ballarat District Ladies Bowls Association were dissolved and the Ballarat District Bowls Division was formed as the governing body for both genders.
Meet the BBC Executive Committee

David O'Hanlon

David Martyn
Bar Manager/Social Director

Michael Conroy

Luke Mullane
Chairman of Selectors

John Ellery

Rick Sloan
Tournament Director